Wright State University’s Student Government will discuss changes to the mandatory advising system currently in place at Wright State this Tuesday at 7:00 in E157 Student Union. Mandatory advising takes place when students have PIN blocks placed on their student accounts that prevent registering for classes. Under the current system, PINs are only assigned for first year students and those fall below the 2.0 GPA necessary for graduation. Some departments also put a PIN on juniors who do not meet certain requirements.
Student Government to debate mandatory advising changes
Sukhman Singh, Senator for the College of Liberal Arts, and Samantha Young, Senator for the College of Science and Mathematics, are hoping to change the mandatory advising system to help students develop relationships with faculty advisors while also being more effective at keeping them on the road to graduation. Their plan, which they will propose at Student Government’s meeting on Tuesday, will raise the minimum GPA requirement for PIN assignment while getting rid of mandatory advising based purely on class standing.
“This change will help faculty to focus on students who meet the technical requirements but may not have developed the skills necessary for their future career plans,” said Singh. “It’s about giving the students a relationship with the faculty so they can take more out of their classes and remain competitive in the job market.” He hopes that by meeting faculty advisors, students will be able to develop interpersonal skills and relationships that they can use in their search for a job.
They are seeking students’ input on the matter before finalizing their proposal. If you would like to provide feedback on this idea, there will be a public meeting on Tuesday, September 25th at 7:00PM in E157 Student Union. Students can also email their Student Government representatives