“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
This famous quote by Albert Camus, a French novelist, describes the view every student sees around the Wright State Campus. The fall season has officially begun, bringing in chilly weather, Sunday Football and hot apple cider.
“My favorite thing about fall is being able to wear hoodies all the time!” sophomore Bobbie Hallmark said.
Akayla Crawford, an education major, looks forward to the colors of the season, from the “changing leaves to the colors of her favorite football teams.”
Halloween takes the forefront of this season for sophomore Nick Boyer, biology major.
“Getting to dress up and celebrate with friends is one of the most fun aspects of this time of year,” Boyer said.
“It’s just nice to hang out with friends around a bonfire this time of year,” sophomore Liz Ballion said.
Whether it’s the colors of the season or the activities that come along with the cooler weather, fall is definitely a favorite in the Raider community.
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