Being a student isn’t always easy. Trying to juggle classes, a job and any other extracurricular activities can be tough. Now imagine if you had a child thrown into the mix. It would probably become a lot harder to balance all of the things that go into being a student.
These concerns are exactly why sophomore Kristina Thomas and freshman Cierra Ladson created the Wright Parenting Organization. Since both of these students have kids, they understand how difficult it can be to balance being both a parent and a student.
Together these two women have come up with a lot of great ideas to make the lives of students with children a lot easier.
One of their main focuses is creating study groups for these students, where another parent/student will volunteer to watch their children. They also want to try to add a nursery to the Rec Center on campus so they can work out in their free time without the worry of finding a babysitter.
But this organization isn’t just about the school aspect of being a parent/student. They also want to provide support and help to these students. At the weekly meetings they are going to try and bring in a counselor who can help with any issues the parent/student might be having. Another great idea was to have a “Special Moment” for any expecting mothers, graduating parents or if a parent/student gets married. Ladson says the inspiration behind Wright Parenting was to support all aspects of the parent/student’s life, not just their school life.
“[It was created to provide help, assistance, support, resources and to help juggle school, work and being a full time parent,” Ladson said.
Thomas and Ladson have come up with events to involve the children as well! They want to have a Halloween Event and also get involved in community service as a whole.
The Wright Parenting Organization is not simply for student/parents but for anyone who wants to help. If you’re a student with a child and need help trying to balance everything, the Wright Parenting could be the help you’ve been looking for.
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