Relationship 101 is a new organization on campus that offers a way for students to share their ideas about romantic relationships by covering a wide range of topics, having discussions and using different tactics such as peer-to-peer interaction.
“College students can benefit from their peers,” founder and Psychology major David Castel said. “They bring forth different dialogues and ideas to the conversation.”
“With this organization I hope we can accomplish [throwing out] certain myths that surround relationships,” Castel said. “There are many ideas about relationships that are misdirected and bad information. I’d like to change that and give college students the truth.”
According to Castel, he always had an interest and niche for giving others advice. Social Networking such as Twitter and Facebook are the main line of communication amongst members of the group.
“We don’t have meetings and do everything online. It’s convenient for everyone right now,” Castel said. “We currently have 15 members and I’m looking forward to getting our name out there more.”
At the House Party on Jan. 16 Castel advertised about this new group and gave away an IPod shuffle as one of his game prizes during the event.
“It’s been slow moving and I am not sure on the direction I’d like to take,” Castel said. “I focus on Facebook, Twitter and the organization website but would like more face to face interaction.”
According to the organization’s website some recent topics posted include “A true Relationship is a Balanced One,” where Castel discusses how each partner should try to be less selfish and understand where the other is coming from. Other topics include, “What Makes You Happy,” where Castel encourages his audience to take time out for themselves and find what really makes them excited about their life.
“I think that students don’t just learn about intimate relationships but all relationships,” Castel said. “Relationship 101 is unique to the campus because there are no other organizations like it.”
To become a member of this organization sign up on For more information visit or,
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