On Feb. 16, Omicron Delta Kappa is hosting Leader2Leader, an annual leadership
conference, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lanie Smart, Co-President of ODK, encourages “anyone who
is a leader on campus or people interested in being leaders,” to attend the conference, where
they will hear several faculty and staff speakers, participate in three round-table discussions
and learn new leadership skills through activities and games.
“We target three kinds of leaders: emerging leaders, continuing leaders, and graduating
leaders,” Smart said. The emphasis is for attendees to learn about values, goal-setting, and
emotional intelligence in personal and professional leadership. This year, the theme of the
conference is “Lights, Camera, Leaders in Action.” As part of the theme, ODK has planned
several movie-themed activities.
“It’s all about building leadership skills and encouraging people to become leaders,”
explains Smart. A few things about this year’s conference will be different. The conference will
not include a keynote speaker this year; instead, there will be more round-table discussions, an
additional activity and games throughout. According to Smart, the motivation for the change
was that they “wanted it to be more hands-on.”
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