For the first time, the Social Entrepreneurship Fund (SEF) will be offered for a creative project that will have a significant impact on the community. Whether the project is set to take place in downtown Dayton or in a third world country, the SEF will provide up to two years of funding.
The SEF is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in good academic standing and full-time employees of Wright State.
“Wright State University’s Social Entrepreneurship Fund is part of our capacity building efforts,” said Dr. Kimberly Barrett, the Vice President for Multicultural Affairs and Community Engagement. “It will provide both financial support and expert advice to faculty, staff and students who have innovative ideas regarding ways to partner with and empower our community to solve pressing social problems.”
All applications will be evaluated by a selection committee which consists of representatives from various organizations and academic departments across campus.
Grant money of up to $30,000 will be awarded. This grant can be used for a course release, student stipends and salaries, supplies, travel, and training. Additionally, those who receive funding will be able to receive mentorship in areas such as research, program evaluation, community planning/organizing, nonprofit management, technology transfer, and finance.
The SEF is looking for applicants who are dedicated to their cause, as projects will be chosen based on the likelihood of long-term success.
“As always with projects like this, we continue to look for additional financial partners to help sustain and expand the important work the Fund supports,” stated Barrett. “But we are off to a terrific start!”
Those who are interested in applying can visit Applications are due by Friday, April 12, 2013 and should be sent to Patricia Jones at
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