Parking garages will not be the solution to the parking struggles of Wright State students, according to Faculty Senate Parking and Transportation Subcommittee Chairman David Bukovinsky.
“The cost is the major factor in this situation,” said Bukovinsky, Ph.D. “It will cost roughly $15,000 to $20,000 per parking space.”
Wright State student Kineta Sanford said that something needs to be done about the current parking struggle.
“It's already unfair that we pay so much for a pass that puts 3 cars to a parking spot. They need to restructure the parking situation and perhaps include a garage that will lead to the tunnels, but find a better way to pay for it other than gouging the commuter students” Sanford said.
Bukovinsky said that funding for the garages would not come from the state, but from an internal source. He also said that most colleges are currently adding more online classes, which would make classes more accessible from home and decrease the need for spaces.
“The money would come from raising the prices of the parking permits,” said Bukovinsky. “There has been talk of adding more online classes which would take out the need to commute for students, so it would have been for nothing.”
Student Michael Stipich said he felt the university does a decent job with parking.
“You will always find a spot somewhere, even if it's far away from your class. As much as I would love a parking garage, it is really not an economically good move for the school. “
Student Sarah Kenney felt the garage would work well if it could be financed without affecting prices for students. She also suggested that the university downsize faculty lots to allow more room for students.
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