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The Wright State Guardian
Sunday, March 9, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

DOMA decision a push forward, but not enough

There is finally some justice for the married gay couples around the U.S now that the Supreme Court has struck down Prop. 8 and Section 3 of the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA).

It makes me very happy for my fellow gay men and women who are married to have some benefits, especially if they have children.

However, as a gay man myself, this victory does little justice to me since only Section 3 was struck down, meaning that only same–sex couples married in the 13 states that recognize gay marriage may receive federal benefits as any straight couple would.

Ohio does not recognize same-sex unions or marriages. If Section 2 was struck down, this would change U.S. history even more, requiring all states to recognize same sex marriages and unions. The Supreme Court decided not to strike down Section 2 because it was an issue with the states.

There are also no evident facts that married gay couples could get benefits for being in school. I think we still have a long way to go with that issue and a of other civil rights issues as well….but the push back against the progress has already begun.

The lawyers of the people who were against Prop 8 and the strike-down of Section 3 of DOMA now want to challenge the Supreme Court for making a decision too soon. That doesn’t make sense to me considering that a decision has already been made. Why can’t the haters leave us alone in peace? To be honest, marriage is only a religious ceremony when performed in a church and with the divorce rates going up, I don’t see any reason to complain about a gay marriage affecting someone else’s marriage.

Overall, I thank the many gay men and women fighting for our rights at the Stonewall Riots and rallies because if they would have backed down, where would we be? If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

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