The Deaf Community Resource Center (DCRD) will present a one-time showing of The Deaf Club at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the Neon movie theater.
The Deaf Club is a silent film that focuses on deaf culture in today’s society. DCRC Director of Programs Paula Vaught said they wanted to show this movie for several reasons. “This movie is a great opportunity for both students and the general public to learn,” she said. “It helps people to better understand the deaf community. It’s very important for hearing students to learn about these types of things.”
Vaught said it also appeals to older generations. “This movie has a sense of nostalgia for some of our older deaf people,” she said. “I expect to see a good mix of people tonight.”
Barb Dunaway, lecturer in human serves and sign language, said this film is perfect for deaf awareness week.
“Unfortunately, we didn’t get to do anything on campus for this, so it’s great that the DCRC is presenting this film,” Dunaway said. American Sign Language students will receive class credit for attending the event.
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