It’s that time of year where the annual Air Force Marathon is approaching. This event draws novices and professionals alike.
For those who are looking for a less-intense way to enter into the world of running, the 5k seems like the perfect option. However, what is the process of training for a 5k when you don’t run? Believe it or not, a person cannot instantly run a 5k without training.
Here is how to train for a 5k when you aren’t a runner:
- Set realistic goals
In the beginning, running will be difficult. The likely an inexperienced runner can continuously run for 3 miles is not very likely. Make a training plan, or find one online. The key is to slowly build endurance.
- Stay hydrated
While this seems like a very obvious suggestion, it is vital for the process. It is important to start hydrating the day before, as well as after. Being well hydrated will allow you to train more efficiently.
- Start running outside
A common mistake in most new runners is starting off on a treadmill, building up their mileage, then moving outside. This is a mistake, because the two are very different. Treadmills do not account for many factors, such as changes in elevation. Many new runners are shocked to find how much harder it is to run outside.
- Take time to recover
The most common mistake for new runners is to train too much too fast. Not only can this lead to injury, but it will likely cause you to quit.
While these may seem obvious, these are the key aspects to keep in mind while training for your first 5k. Experienced runners may make it look easy, but it takes a lot of time, effort and training to reach the finish line.
Happy running!