Moana is the story of a brave young girl who goes on a journey to save her island in the South Pacific.
After the demigod, Maui, stole the heart relic of a goddess, the ocean chooses Moana to return the heart relic and return the island back to its fruitful state of providing for the people.
Fulfilling her destiny, Moana (played by Auli’i Cravalho) saves her island with the help of Maui (played by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who has a surprisingly good singing voice) and becomes the next in line to be the chief of her people.
Also, you can’t forget the sidekicks in the movie, like hei hei the rooster (who is hilarious and really steals the show at some points) and Moana’s adorable little pet pig Pua.
This movie was amazing in so many ways. First off, the animation was top notch with the colors, the way it captures the likeness of the ocean and the natural beauty of the island.
Next, the music was great and something that gets stuck in your head. That’s not a bad thing, especially since it was written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of "Hamilton", so you know it’s good.
Lastly, the movie is for every age, and boys and girls alike will enjoy this movie.
Moana sends the message that many can relate to: finding yourself and taking that journey to really find who you are on the inside.
Moana does find that she was meant for this job of returning the relic and to also become a master way-finder by sailing the ocean and learning its ways.
This message translates to everyone but especially little girls looking for a princess that is brave and can take care of herself without a man or love interest to save her or waiting for her at the end of the movie.
This movie has had other great reviews and topped Thanksgiving weekend box offices, which is even more reason for you to go see it!
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