Governor John Kasich proposed to continue the tuition freeze of Ohio colleges. The budget plan for the next two years will be reviewed by state legislature.
This proposal would mean there is no increase in tuition for the 2018 and 2019 school years at all public universities, while also incrementally increasing the funding for higher education.
Another way to decrease high spending would be to give textbooks to students at the beginning of Fall 2018. However, there would be a fee of a maximum $300 so there is an offset and balance of cost for course materials.
The goal Kasich stated in a budget briefing is to make Ohio more business friendly. If this budget plan is approved, it would make Ohio the first state in the nation to require public universities and colleges to provide its students their books.
The concern from a member of the inter university council of Ohio is not enough funding other areas to adopt the budget plan.
Also included in the proposal is an increase to funding to the “Finish your Future” scholarship which encourages people who want to go back and complete their degree to do it. In 2018 there will be a $2 million dollar funding and in 2019 fiscal year that will increase to $4 million.
Other additions to the budget proposal include increasing the tax on a can of beer and glass of wine, increasing the tax on cigarettes to $2.25 a pack and on other tobacco products.
Kasich’s proposal would mean an income tax cut to families making less than $80,000 a year.
The budget plan will be sent to the state where lawmakers will work to approve or change the plan, on June 30 there will be a finalized version.
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