When going to college, it can sometimes be hard for students, especially freshmen, to adjust. It's one of the first steps of independence in most people's lives. One thing that can be hard to manage are eating habits.
Colleges offer meal plans that give students easy access to a wide range of food, but some people abuse it.
"I gained a little bit of weight when I first started college, and I think it happens because you're away from home for the first time and you've got control of your own food, and you're eating whatever you want. Especially with the meal plan, you get "free" food, so it's hard not to eat as much as you possibly can," Wright State junior Bret Miller said.
Even athletes who held great physiques in high school can become victims of increased body weight. Freshman Anthony Grunkemeyer expressed that people who played sports in high school had certain eating habits, but when they go to college and are not playing sports, they don't change their eating habits to reflect their new level of activity.
Some students say they have experienced the 'Freshman 15' during their first year of college, others have come forward to call it a myth and debunk it.
An article called "The Myth of the Freshman 15," by Peter Janiszewski shared his story by saying he did not notice any significant increase in body weight during his first year of college.
"If anything, the initial stress of being away from home, the foreign environment, the increased academic workload, being forced to eat cafeteria food instead of my mother’s delicious cooking actually caused me to drop a few pounds," Janiszewski said.
Janiszewski concluded it's more of a "Freshman 2" than a "Freshman 15".
As hard as it may be for some people to avoid weight gain, there are ways to swerve around it. Consider avoiding any late-night meals.
Normally, your body is doing less activity and burning less calories as you get ready for good night's sleep. Also, make healthier choices when it comes to the food the college provides for students. Think about skipping out on the Mountain Dew and replacing it with a water or sweet tea and give yourself some time to work out a few times a week.
Wright State provides a great workout room at the Student Union, take advantage of it!
Your education shouldn't put a burden on your health. Always keep time open for yourself.
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