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The Wright State Guardian
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

Raider campus safety tips

Campus can be a scary place for any student who has ever had to walk it alone, especially at night, but WSU has safety measures in place so students can stay as safe as possible.

The most common emergencies on campus are medic assists or illness, according to Patrick Ammon at the WSU Police Department.

Most students know already about the blue emergency lights located across campus, but they aren’t used in proper emergencies as much as one would think.

“When they are used some of the times are people playing games. We treat them all as a real emergency,” Ammon said.

Besides never walking campus alone at night unless you absolutely have to, there are other precautions you can take, according to Ammon.

“Report suspicious activity to police. Auto program the police department's number into cell phone on speed dial, 937-775-2111. Make sure your cell phone is charged at all times in case of an emergency. Do not leave property unattended," Ammon said.

Ammon also suggests walking in groups at night with people you trust, and to remain alert to your surroundings.

"Keep dorm rooms and vehicle locked, especially when you are not in them. Barriers make it harder for someone to effectively harm you or take your property,” Ammon said.

If you do have to walk alone and you feel anything less than safe, Wright State has an app called the Raider Guardian app. Using it, you can set a safety timer so that if you do not reach your inputted destination within a certain amount of time, the person you set as your guardian will be immediately notified. There is also a button on the app to quickly notify police to your location if you feel you are in any danger.

It is also a well-known tip to carry either/both a whistle to alert surrounding people that you are in danger, or/and pepper spray so that you have at least one tool to protect yourself against a possible attack.

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