A typical “flu season” lasts from October to February, and is characterized by the significant increase in flu outbreaks. This is the time of year when many individuals flock to get a flu shot before they become infected with the influenza virus.
The traditional flu vaccine is made to combat three different viruses.
Student Health Services on campus are currently offering the vaccine. “No appointment is necessary, but please bring you health insurance card and Wright1 ID. The flu vaccine will be available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. until the supply has been exhausted,” according to their website.
Although needles can be scary for some, Dr. Leatha Ross, director of Student Health Services says the shot is important. “The flu shot can help an individual from getting the flu. If you get the flu vaccine and still get the flu the flu illness may be less severe. Also, getting the flu vaccine helps keep you from spreading the flu to your family and other people.”
On campus, the vaccine is only delivered by needle, not nasally and it is not a live virus vaccine.
“Since we received our vaccine we have given between 50 to 75 per week,” Ross said.
For more information on the vaccine or other student health services call (937) 775-2552 or email studenthealthservices@wright.edu.
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