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The Wright State Guardian
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

Five apps to maintain a healthy lifestyle

College students struggle with a variety of random health and mental health issues that can grow bigger over time without taking time for oneself. There are apps for nearly everything these days, so of course there are some resourceful apps for your health needs.



Created by the American Red Cross, this app allows you to choose random injuries and illnesses and immediately see how to treat or respond in the situation. From a scraped knee to a heart attack, you will always be more prepared with this handy app.



Periods are sneaky sometimes, so to keep track, many women use a tracker. Flo lets you track your period and all of its symptoms, ovulation, fertility, birth control and even has password protection. Don’t let flo sneak up on you any more.



Water is vital to our bodies function, and with college distractions everywhere, it is easy to drink too little and become dehydrated. This app lets you choose a plant to keep alive by keeping track of your own water drinking and in turn watering the plant. It send reminders ever 2, 4 or 6 hours depending on your preference.



Self-help for anxiety management. Whether you have an actual anxiety disorder or are simply feeling disheveled from college stressors, this app can offer you assistance. Track your anxiety symptoms, triggers, and scroll through various coping mechanisms until you feel more calm.  There is also a social community to chat with others in the same shoes to gain advice and encouragement.



Compete with your friends, family or community to either lose or maintain a goal weight and the best part is that you earn money while doing it.


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