Last week, the Wright State Communications department released an email statement regarding the university’s latest budget remediation efforts. The email insinuates that the university still has a chance to avoid fiscal watch, assuming that it meets its goals.
The email, written by Walt Branson, Vice President for Finance and Operations, compared the university’s actual expenditures and income to its historical patterns of spending and earning. By doing so, the Board of Trustees has been able to set a benchmark that the university should meet in order to achieve its goals for budget remediation.
The benchmark set by the board is a $6,000,000 surplus for the 2017-2018 fiscal year, according to the email.
The data showed that in the month of October, the university had accumulated $3,500,000 more than the $6,000,000 goal. However, this surplus has gone down from the cumulative amount during the months of September and August.
“As we continue to explore ways to enhance revenue, I ask you to remain diligent in your efforts to limit spending,” said Branson. “With everyone’s continued efforts we can be successful.”
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