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The Wright State Guardian
Monday, Feb. 24, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

Weekly horoscopes

Aries: You seem to find yourself more annoyed than usual, Aries. Just keep your headphones in most of the time to keep yourself from going ballistic on a complete stranger. Unless they deserve it, then go for it. Your lucky vegetable: spinach.

Taurus: Need more pep in your step this week, Taurus? Just start out every day by listening to 80’s hits. For extra peppiness, throw in an epic air guitar solo. Let out your inner rock star! Your lucky vegetable: red pepper.

Gemini: Looks like your emotions are taking a front row seat this week, Gemini. That’s okay, nothing wrong with your sensitivity shining through. Please don’t turn into another Adele or Taylor Swift, the world has had enough. Your lucky vegetable: mushrooms.

Cancer: Not everything in life will meet your expectations, Cancer. Sometimes, it will exceed them. You may get lucky at the vending machine the next time you have a craving for some Skittles. Your lucky vegetable: cabbage.

Leo: You should probably brush up on your cooking skills this week, Leo. It’s probably not a great idea to only eat Easy Mac and pizza rolls. Especially if you want to impress your special someone with your culinary talents. Your lucky vegetable: celery.

Virgo: It’s one thing to love someone, but it’s another thing to show them, Virgo. Offer to take the end piece of the brownie without throwing a fit. You will survive, it’s still a brownie. Your lucky vegetable: eggplant.

Libra: It’s your birthday, and you can cry if you want to, Libra. The key word being your birthday, not your coworker’s. It’s kind of weird that you’re crying while everyone is singing Happy Birthday. Your lucky vegetable: artichoke.

Scorpio: Please don’t wear your sunglasses at night, Scorpio. You can’t pull that off as much as you want to. It just makes you look like a jerk. This also applies to wearing them indoors. Your lucky vegetable: parsnip.

Sagittarius: You will find the love of your life at a bakery, Sagittarius. And no, not the baker of the person selling them. It’s the baked goods themselves. It’ll be a tricky debate between a cupcake or a macaroon. Your lucky vegetable: cabbage.

Capricorn: Contrary to popular belief, there is an ‘I’ in team, Capricorn. Turns out it’s in there, it’s just silent. Next time you have an annoying group project, just say that. And hopefully you’ll get a better grade. Your lucky vegetable: garlic.

Aquarius: Establish a capsule wardrobe this week, Aquarius. It will make your life a whole lot easier, and save you quite a bit of time when you get dressed in the morning. Best of luck! Your lucky vegetable: okra.

Pisces: It’s not too late for you dreams of becoming Mermaid Man to come true, Pisces. Anything can be done with a little bit of determination. Now all you need is to find a starfish to put on your face. Your lucky vegetable: leeks.

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