There are several different types of teachers a student can have in the classroom throughout their college, including adjunct, professor or proctor.
Many of the professors that are employed at Wright State are tenure track positions.
“Tenure ensures the retention of talented permanent faculty, secures faculty autonomy and forms the basis for the development of an intellectual community. Above all, tenure protects the academic freedom of faculty to conduct their teaching and research without constraint by interests both inside and outside the University or economic pressures,” according to the preamble of the university policies and procedures.
Those that can earn tenure include professors, assistant professors, and associate professors. Some positions offer tenure upon hire. This applies to faculty who are not represented by the collective bargaining agreement.
“Tenure is a commitment by the University to provide a series of continuous annual appointments to faculty members,” stated the policy. “These appointments can be terminated only by resignation, retirement, removal for cause, or retrenchment.”
Those with tenure positions can be suspended or terminated for reasons such as: fraudulent credentials pertaining to employment at the university, incompetence or dishonesty in teaching, scholarship, or professional service, substantial and manifest neglect of duty, personal conduct which presents a serious threat to health or safety of anyone else within the university.
A faculty member may also be disciplined for severe and continuing harassment or discrimination. When a Bargaining Unit Faculty Member is accused or reported, an investigation and hearing is held with the university president and a representative of the AAUP-WSU.
However, those that are in a position of research, adjunct, or visiting are unable to be considered for tenure.
The decision on promotions or tenure are made by the WSU Board of Trustees based on a variety of documentations, work and recommendations.
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