The Adventure Summit was established in 2006 and has since become a biannual event. Five Rivers MetroParks and the Outdoor Recreation Center have collaborated to host the event on campus on Feb. 9 and 10, 2018. Over 40 presentations will be offered along with a variety of outdoor recreation classes that people can partake in for free, although there are a few competitions such as the bouldering contest or an indoor triathlon that have to be paid for with the chance to win prizes.
The main speakers will be in the Apollo room, while the upstairs conference rooms will include the presentations as it flows down into the recreation spaces, according to Associate Director for Campus Events Drew Corbett.
"A vendor fair where different organizations, companies and groups will come and showcase what they have to offer from an outdoor recreation standpoint. We utilize our swimming pool for water activities or group exercise studios for the presentations that are in there as well," Corbett said.
Three prominent speakers are to be featured; Jordan Romero, the youngest climber who completed the seven summits across the world, Dale Sanders who hiked the Appalachian Trail at the age of 82 and Susan Conrad who journeyed across the coastal route known as the Inside Passage.
"You can be young and do these adventures or be older and 82 and to do these adventures, and there's little bit of something for everyone in between," Corbett said. "The theme is kind of like age has no difference."
Graduate Assistant for Outdoor Recreation Erin Sherrets said, "This brings light to what Wright State has to offer for students specifically, and the Adventure Summit consist of professionals who do outdoor recreation full time so it also shines a light on what Wright State can provide for students.”
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