Actor Will Ferrell returned to Saturday Night Live (SNL) and reprised his famous George W. Bush impersonation. This was the fourth time Ferrell has hosted SNL, and he was a regular cast member from 1995-2002.
The skit centered around former president George W. Bush, played by Ferrell, addressing the American people and reminding them just how bad his presidency was. The skit featured several hilarious yet possibly controversial lines such as Ferrell saying “who has two thumbs and created ISIS? This guy”. Ferrell played several other roles throughout the night as well.
There was nothing controversial about the ratings, however, as Ferrell’s performance boosted SNL’s ratings substantially. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the show averaged a 4.9 overnight rating, which was a 14 percent increase from the previous week’s episode and the highest rating of the season.
Ferrell first portrayed Bush back in 1999 when he was a full time cast member of SNL. He continued the role in numerous sketches until his departure in 2002. Ferrell reprised the role when he hosted SNL in 2005, 2009, and 2012.
Ferrell’s impersonation paints Bush as a childish man who often forgets things and makes controversial/misguided statements.
President Bush has said that the impersonations from Ferrell and others don’t bother him, and said that “the best humor is when you make fun of yourself”.
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