Procrastination is a favorite for most college students. Here are a few apps to help you better manage your time.
Clear: Clear allows you to create multiple to-do lists with color or themed coding. Turn your day into a step-by-step process when you know you have way too many tasks to remember on your own--especially if you know you are likely to procrastinate them. There is something so rewarding about checking something off of a list.
RescueTime: This app tracks exactly how much time you spend doing certain activities online. It will help you to see exactly what sites or apps are distracting you the most from your responsibilities. It also allows you to block these specific distractions for set periods of time so that you can get more work done.
Pocket: If you constantly find yourself getting distracted by funny articles and videos while you are trying to get work done online, Pocket lets you save the article into the app to come back to later when you’ve finished your work. It is partnered with over a thousand apps, which means no matter what app or site you are on when you find something that might distract you, you will be able to pocket it for later.
Trello: If you are working alone on a big task, or as a team, this app can help track all progress and future tasks. You can add cards with written tasks or pictures to groups titled Ideas, To Do, Doing, Done. It is also interactive allowing the entire team to add and accomplish tasks and leave messages or new tasks for each other.
Focus Booster: This one is exactly what it sounds like. Using a technique known as podomoro, it sets 25 minute timers for you to work in and short breaks in between activities. It will also track what you accomplish in each of the 25 minutes and how many breaks you take so that at the end of the day you can look back on progress.
30/30: Similar to the last one, this app runs on timers. These timers are one’s that you set yourself, each assigned to an activity you need to complete. The pressure of getting things done before each timer will keep you from procrastinating. You can also pause if you need to jump to another task and come back later to finish where you left off.
135 List: This app has a lot to do with prioritizing tasks to prevent you from getting overwhelmed. You will put one big task you need to accomplish for the day, three medium tasks and five small tasks. Using this process, you can get the most important things done first and then worry about the little things.
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