Academically speaking, many college students find it difficult to perform well in exams and class discussions. It is understandable; after all, college is a whole new level of stressful. Classes are longer, the material is more advanced and self-studying is a requirement. Changing up a couple of study habits is the key to make studying fun and productive. Here are eight tips to help you learn and retain course material;
For the most part, silence is golden. However, silence leaves room for the mind to wander. Try listening to instrumental music like classical or ambient music. YouTube hosts channels that stream lo-fi hip hop garnered towards students trying to study. Nature sounds such as rain, thunder or jungles are relaxing and can help with focus. Or, if music is too distracting, just stick to silence.
Group Study
Group studying can be effective if done right. Discussing ideas with group members gives everyone different perspectives on the study topics. Interacting with team members helps teams stay focused on the task at hand. Divvying up the workload in group projects prevents any one person from feeling overwhelmed and as a result, the study material will not seem as expansive.
Memorization Methods
An important step to making study hours productive is devising ways to improve memory. When it comes to college work, reading alone is not sufficient. Writing, not typing, out extensive notes cements what was taught in class and makes it easier to study for tests later. Talking out loud helps to memorize things better instead of just reading. “Teaching” someone is the best way to measure understanding of the course material.
Getting Creative
The more fun studying is, the better. Associating a certain topic of study with something of interest can help with the memorization of what was studied. For example, if one was studying something which reminded them of a favorite song, they are more likely to remember material when they need to. Use anything as a reference; music, people, random trinkets
around the room and, if possible, simple diagrams or mind maps. Going the extra mile with documentaries or books is effective as well.
Mild Exercise
Short workouts or 20 minute walks before studying helps boost brain activity. The brain is more alert and becomes more receptive towards retaining information. This method is useful before taking an exam too.
Simple Reward System
Try setting up small goals and give rewards when they are accomplished. A bite of cookie dough for every 300 words you type of that 15-page paper definitely will not hurt motivation.
Get Rid of Distractions
Look up applications that block out websites for short periods of time, like SelfControl. The less distractions, the quicker one can finish work and scroll through Twitter.
Remember to Take Breaks!
Most importantly, remember to get the right amount of sleep. None of these tips are useful without a good six to eight hours of sleep. These tips are only suggestions and there is no guarantee they will be effective. Experiment around with these methods and figure out which ones work best.
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