Most college students living on tight budgets will have to deal with an empty wallet at some point. For those who deal with student loans or just a limited budget, student discounts and freebies are a godsend. With this list of discounts, students can save money and treat themselves at the same time. For these discounts, it is important to have a student ID card on hand to receive them.
Let’s start with Amazon; it is a retail company. The extensive range of products offered, not to mention Amazon Prime, make for a memorable shopping experience. Using a student ID, one can get a six-month trial of Amazon Prime along with free two-day shipping on all orders.
Buffalo Wild Wings
A popular food and gathering place amongst Wright State students, Buffalo Wild Wings (or Bdubs) offers students a 10 percent discount on orders. Call ahead and check if the location offers this deal.
As far as fast food goes, Chipotle can be on the more expensive side. However, as long as a student ID is shown at a participating location, one can get free Mexican food. A free purchase also comes with a small drink, so it is a decent deal.
Clothes are another commodity that can be too expensive for students. There are several clothing stores that offer discounts or deals, Banana Republic and H&M included. Both of these stores let students enjoy a 15 percent discount on their purchases and Charlotte Russe offers a 10 percent discount.
Surprisingly, Apple is a part of the student discount club as well. Savings are available on pricy products like Macs and iPads. A 50 percent discount on Apple Music is also available. Apple constantly comes up with cost-effective deals for students, which can be seen in Education Pricing on Apple’s website.
Residence Life Cinemas
Want to stream movies for free? WSU Residence Life Cinema’s got you covered. Just go to and log in. Get in touch with your site administrator for your username and password. Once you’ve logged in, you can even sort out your movies by creating content categories. The FAQ link on Residence Life Cinema’s homepage will help you figure out how to navigate the website.
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