With elections taking place last week and the ongoing controversy at Wright State, it is nice to have a place you can go where members share the same thoughts and beliefs as you.
Among Wright State’s many campus organizations is College Republicans. Founded in 1969, College Republicans “demonstrate the Conservative and Republican values and ideals through political activism, leadership development, and commitment to the students of Wright State University,” according to their page on OrgSync.
“We’re not only an organization on campus, we’re part of a national organization called the College Republicans National Committee. We’re a chapter of that,” said Dalton Throckmorton, future president of College Republicans. “We are also a part of the Ohio College Republicans Foundation. There are 33 chapters in Ohio and they all get together and [have] events throughout the year.”
If you want to learn more about politics, joining an organization or just attending meetings is a great way to learn and broaden your knowledge about a certain party.
“At some of the events we do, we’ll have guest speakers like state and national representatives. We’ve done events with congressman Mike Turner, Rick Perales and Niraj Antani,” said Throckmorton.
College Republicans also encourages friendly debates and holds those types of events during Fall Fest and in the spring.
“In the future, we would like to do more events with elected officials. We’re [looking into] getting all the political science professors together and doing a panel with them about current events and global politics,” Throckmorton said.
If you are interested in joining this organization but might be hesitant, don’t worry, College Republicans is welcoming.
“We try to be respectful to all opinions and we welcome any diverse or different opinions. That’s what makes it great is because we can get together as one collective group of people that have the same opinions and talk about it, but it’s a lot more beneficial when you can get together and talk to a bunch of people who don’t agree with you and get a dialog going,” said Throckmorton.
For those who would like to keep up with College Republicans or would like to join the organization, attend their meetings or follow them on social media.
“We will have three meetings for the rest of the year: one on Nov. 15 at 7 p.m., one on Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. and our last one for the semester is on Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. People can check out our Facebook and Twitter page, [as well as] the University Activities Board where all the events are posted; they can look up times and locations as well. We welcome anyone to come to the meetings and see what we’re all about,” Throckmorton added.

Organization Spotlight: College Republicans
WSU College Republicans
WSU College Republicans