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The Wright State Guardian
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Five inspirational Ted Talks to get through midterms

I’m ashamed to say I only recently discovered Ted Talks as a freshman in college. A few years later, I have built up a folder full of bookmarked Ted Talks, all tackling different topics. Some of my favorite talks are motivational, so after scrounging through the folder for a while, I picked five of my favorite Ted Talks.


Do Schools Kill Creativity? - Sir Ken Robinson

This Ted Talk aired in 2007, but it still applies to society 12 years later. Author Sir Ken Robinson challenges school systems and how creativity is undervalued. He also touches on how children are forced to choose “useful subjects for work” instead of what they’re interested in.

As an English major, this Ted Talk resonated with me and addressed my job-related fears. Plus, he broke down intelligence into diverse, dynamic and distinct categories. This talk will definitely give you food for thought.


The Power of Introverts - Susan Cain

Like the title says, Susan Cain talks about the importance of introverts in today’s society. She explains the mindset of an introvert and lists three calls of action for introverts.

Introverts can definitely relate to this Ted Talk. In a society where being outgoing is the norm, talks which focus on accepting introverts as they are and creating a comfortable environment for them are refreshing. I’ve watched this Ted Talk way too many times.



The Power of Vulnerability - Brené Brown

Brené Brown explores what vulnerability is and why it is something we struggle with daily. Because we are afraid of getting hurt or being let down by people we trust, we refuse to feel vulnerable at all. Disclaimer: this Ted Talk may hit too close to home.

It’s a 20-minute-long talk, but it feels like two. Her advice near the end, to listen and be kinder to ourselves, is something a lot of people I know find difficult to do. Ironically enough, this talk left me feeling vulnerable.



A Makeup Artist's Perspective on Beauty - Eva DeVirgilis

Actress Eva DeVirgilis speaks about her experience as a makeup artist and the various types of women she comes across. It’s a beautiful Ted Talk about self-love, self-confidence and acceptance.

What I love about this talk is its unique perspective, since it’s one we don’t really consider. Women sit in her chair and apologize for their looks, while she sees nothing but beauty. What’s interesting is how DeVirgilis sat in another makeup artist’s chair and apologized for her face. Without giving anything else away, the entire talk is engaging.



How to Practice Emotional First Aid - Guy Winch

Even though working past your limits has been normalized, taking care of yourself should be a priority. Guy Winch makes his case about caring for your emotional and mental wellbeing, the same way you take care of your physical health.

In his talk, Winch uses the phrase “favoritism we show the body over mind,” and I thought it hit the nail on the head. Mental or emotional health is not taken as seriously as physical health, and like Winch, I wish that would change. Rather than being inspirational, this talk is more of an eye-opener.

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