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The Wright State Guardian
Monday, March 10, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Weekly Horoscopes

grimoire - Weekly Horoscopes
grimoire - Weekly Horoscopes

The stars have a week of emotions and surprises in store for you. Check out your weekly horoscopes for March 18 through the 22.


Mercury retrograde begins early this week, illuminating the home and family sector of your life. Be cautious of miscommunications and delays. Shake-ups in your career arrive soon, thanks to the upcoming eclipse in the north star. The stars know that your 9-5 is hard but refrain from running away to join the circus.


Your ruling planet begins to turn sideways this week, so watch out for some strange deja vu vibes this week. Dreams may become a reality. Many of the conversations you’ve had over the last month or so will resurface for reconsideration! Important information is soon coming to light.


Mercury retrograde begins in Neptune’s moon, finding you rethinking your financial commitments and budget. Do you really need a pet iguana dear Gemini? Consider if you are spending money on impulse buys to cope with stress.


The Moon connects with a fiery purple meteor named Lu who will bring you luck this week Cancer. It will also put you in a reminiscing mood, causing you to rethink the commitments and conversations you might have had this winter.


The Moon is in hardworking mood, encouraging you to get organized—which won’t be easy thanks to some shake-ups taking place at work. You’re so ready to break free from your obligations and do your own thing! Try to stay on task though this week dear Leo.


The Moon has a strange shadow over its face, finding you in a playful mood. Unexpected news arrives Thursday, your calendar is already getting full. Learn to say no this week and don’t overbook yourself!


The sun is emitting higher beams of light lately, lighting up the home and family sector of your chart. And while you’re itching to get cozy with loved ones, you’re also feeling very eager to break free from obligations you’re not into anymore.


The Earth is spinning which brings news your way Scorpio! Someone you’re not as close to as you used to be, will text you with some great news! Shake-ups in your relationships arrive too.  Causing you to rethink your relationship to the public and on social media.


The Moon is in Capricorn, lighting up the financial sector of your chart, Sagittarius. Conflicts in your schedule find you craving more freedom and flexibility. Mercury retrograde is nearly here, causing you to reflect on your beliefs.


The Moon might be rotating at a different angle than normal, Capricorn, encouraging you to practice some self-love! Big changes are in the works in the coming weeks, finding you eager to break free from commitments that don’t fulfill your heart’s desires. Have no fear, these changes will bring you closer to your friend circles.


Be gentle with yourself this week, Aquarius. The stars ask you to conserve your energy, which won’t be easy since the to create big shifts in your home life and relationships. These shifts will bring you luck and good fortune though.


The Moon in Capricorn finds you in a social mood, Pisces. However, watch out for surprising news Thursday, as well as shake-ups in your schedule. Plans will begin to overlap and your commitments might be piling up. Remember to take a day to meditate and think on your financial decisions.

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