As the news of the World Trade Center and Pentagon bombings flashed on TV screens around the nation, Wright State students were gathered together in halls, lounges, and dorms watching the carnage as it happened.
By 10:30 a.m., Tuesday morning, students were gathered in the commuter lounge at the Student Union watching the buildings collapse, later, at the noon news recap, the crowd had grown to more than 20 people, some shedding tears, others on. cell phones calling friends and family, all watching the tragedy unfold on television.
Students watching the bombings expressed their disbelief.
"It's amazing the realize you're not invincible," said Emily Denton, a first year medical student.
Some students like Donna Sparks, a senior English and art education major, feared the outbreak of war when watching the bombings on TV.
"I'm horrified and scared. It's like Pearl Harbor," said Sparks.
Other Students feared for their own safety.
"I feel less safe being near Wright Patterson Air Force base," saic Amanda McDowell, another WSU medical school student.
For those students who do fear for their own safety or feel the need to talk to someone about the tragic events, help is available on campus. Free counseling services from licensed psychologists are offered through the Center for Psychological Services.
According to Dr. Robert Kando. the director and associate professor of the Center for Psychological Services, the center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. but if necessary, services are available 24 hours a day. "We're also floating around (Tuesday) at residence halls and will have a presence there."
Campus Ministry also opened its doors to university students. With the chapel open all day. students can come in and lake a moment to pray or reflect on the tragedy.
Most importantly, the Rev. Christian Rohrmiller, said, "Continue. Life goes on. Fear is not going to help. As a minister I'd say, 'Ask for God's help.'"
For more information on support available to students, faculty or staff, people may call the Center for Psychological Services at 775-3407 or Student Life at 775-5570.
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