Students around campus | Photo by Jessica Fugett | The Wright State Guardian
With finals week upon us, students are striving, thriving or barely surviving, and they all have different ways of preparing.
For many students, the last week of the semester is dreaded due to the high stress of having extremely important exams in most, if not all, classes.
Different WSU students prepare by taking to the books or spending some extra time snoozing.
Catching up on sleep
During a final is the last place a student wants to accidentally fall asleep.
“Get sleep, that’s very important,” said Lina, 22. “I feel like if I don’t sleep then I’m not gonna wake up on time or I’m gonna miss something.”
Although it is common for students to pull all-nighters cramming for an exam, one of the best strategies is to get enough sleep so students can be awake and ready to crush their exams.
Group Study
Make the extra effort to plan a study group or get together with some friends to review. Studying with others is definitely more fun than studying alone.
“Studying in groups helps,” said Hannah, 19. “It’s definitely more motivational with more people than just by myself. We utilize the library a lot too. Especially with the extended hours during finals week.”
While group study can be fun, have an agenda and stay on task. Group study is only effective if students actually study.
Plan ahead
“In my down time just studying,” said Kaitlin, 19. “I try to space it out but it doesn’t happen and I end up cramming anyways.”
Cramming is a reality for many students.
“I’m a crammer. It’s what I do best,” said Logan, 19. “I try to space it out but…”
Many students wait until the week before their finals to start studying. This is what leads to cramming and the dreaded all-nighters. If students plan ahead, they can space out their studying and have less to do the week before.
“Any online classes I have, I try to get them done before finals week,” said Anne, 25. “So, any final I can do beforehand, I do that.”
Advice from other students
Some students have other unique ways of studying for exams that could be helpful to know.
“Don’t just stare at the book,” said Maram, 20. “If you can teach it to someone, then you know it.”
According to Rochelle, a 21-year-old WSU student, the best way to utilize your time before finals is meeting with your professors and going over past exams.
“I’m just like using notecards and using study guides,” said Natalie, 19. “I test myself and kind of review my study guide with family members. I definitely try to space it [studying] out.”
Take a break: relieve some stress
Finals week is stressful, and many students feel as if they do not have the time to take a break.
In reality, taking a break, even if it is brief, can help students be more productive and successful while studying.
Study smarter, not longer.
WSU students are utilizing many of the stress relief events that the university is providing for students.
One of the fan favorites is called “fuzz therapy” and is put on by 4 Paws for Ability. This event allows students to play with puppies while taking a break from studying.
“Interacting with the dogs definitely helps de-stress students,” said President of 4 paws WSU Amaya Willemsen. “Dogs already can help with anxiety, depression, etc. naturally, so even playing with them for a few minutes can definitely help de-stress with finals coming up!”
Those who missed this event can still destress by looking at the pictures from the event.
Other students recommend destressing by working out, meditating or taking part in yoga.
“For me, it’s sleeping a lot, de-stressing and drinking a lot of water,” said Melissa, 18. “I work out too.”