Hello December! It's the last month of crossing off New Year's resolutions, buckling down on assignments and getting your shopping done. But what do the stars have in store for you this week? Read here to find out.
Stay away from the malls this week Aries. The stars do not see good sales in your future. Save your wallet and time and wait for next week. On Thursday an old flame will reach out to you, don't forget the past but don't let it brush this person away too quickly. Everyone deserves a chance.
You would never admit it Taurus but you enjoy being in the spotlight from time to time. On Wednesday you will get that opportunity! Someone may ask you a very big task but your guiding star Noot is here to bring you all the confidence you need. Have faith in yourself this week.
Watch out for an angry Leo this week Gemini! We don’t know why Leo is angry but maybe you shouldn’t ask. Leave that to brave Aries. We suggest avoiding anyone angry this week and eating ice cream. Experiment with flavors and try new things.
Have you been feeling trapped under a storm cloud Cancer? Well open up that umbrella and use it! Learn to play in the rain and you will find life is more fun and ducklings. You will find lots of ducklings during rain showers. Just make sure to wear a coat, it is almost winter you know.
Why are you so full of frustration and anger Leo? The universe sees your frustrations and so do the other signs. It's okay to admit you miss Phineas and Ferb as much as the rest of us. This weekend take time for self-care. Find a new show to binge-watch on Disney Plus.
Have you ever considered coming out of your shell to explore the world a little dear Virgo? Your adventurous Taurus friend is looking for a friend to go find new shops in the area. We suggest accepting this invitation to get out of the house this week.
Your friends are all dying to know what the secret is to stick with a clean diet this week Libra! Don’t worry we won’t tell them you have the McDonalds coupon app on your phone. Enjoy those likes on Instagram for your acai bowl but the french fries in secret.
Do you know the phrase work like a dog Scorpio? You might be working harder than your furry friend and starting to feel unappreciated. Have a talk with that good boy/girl. Find out what’s going on. Might just be a phase.
Start looking at ways to naturally detox Sagittarius. Your body is sick of fast food. We do not suggest taking up witchcraft though. Try a vitamin shop instead or talking to your dear Scorpio friend.
Words are kinda difficult right now Capricorn. The stars know you are struggling with putting your emotions and thoughts into sentences. We suggest only communicating in emojis this week. Better yet use Bitmoji. It’s basically you reenacting the emoji in cute outfits.
Have you felt watched lately Aquarius? Like someone or something has never been far from where you are or studying? The stars suggest you keep a bag of candy canes in your bag at all times. That way you can stay alert and throw them at potential stalkers, but with a holiday theme.
It's time to get those Christmas lights out and the decorations up Pisces! The moon is experiencing some changes in temperature leaving you highly motivated to get things done. Make your house or apartment the talk of the town! Sync those lights to music and have a dance party on a Tuesday.