Amidst the global decision to close public spaces and postpone major events to promote social distancing, Student Government Association (SGA) President Ivan Mallett announced Executive Order 20-01, postponing the SGA Elections until fall of this year.
The new timeline
On Aug. 24, the first day of fall classes, petitions will open. Petitions will be due to the Special Elections Committee (SEC) on Sept. 2.
Campaigning will begin on Sept. 7 and end on Sept. 12.
On Sept. 13 an election portal will open on Wings Express. The election portal will close on Sept. 17 at 5 p.m.
Election results are announced on Sept. 18 and the newly elected officials will take office on Sept. 22.
The presidential candidates, Director of Academic Affairs Samantha Baxter and Vice President Adrian Williams have been contacted for a statement.