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The Wright State Guardian
Monday, March 10, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Five ways to stay safe if you go out in public

Facts About COVID-19 | Photo by Soham Parikh | The Wright State Guardian

With the news of an outbreak of coronavirus, we broke down a few quick tips and tricks for you to start doing to protect yourself.

Good hand hygiene

It’s important when out in public, touching things like grocery carts, pumping gas and opening doors, to make sure your hands are being consistently cleansed of germs.

Carry alcohol-based hand sanitizer and/or hand wipes for a quick clean. Soap and water when available is most critical when it comes to being preventative. It is recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that you “scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.”

Avoid touching unnecessary surfaces

It is easy to touch unnecessary surfaces multiple times a day without realizing the amount of germs the body contracts.

Door handles, countertops and handrails are some examples of surfaces that are heavily contaminated. When possible, use other objects to create a barrier between your fingertips and a heavily touched area.

A tissue, paper towel or simply refraining from touching a potentially harmful surface could be key in stopping the spread of a virus.

Keeping your everyday items clean

Being creatures of habit, we touch a lot of the same items daily. Think about how many times you answer your phone, drive your car or change the channel on your tv; it’s a lot.

Being aware of your own surroundings and understanding the potential for germ spreading that your most used items have is essential when it comes to keeping things clean.

Wiping down your phone, steering wheel and remotes can help cut back on the spread of germs.

Practice social distancing

This may seem like a simple task that may not be effective, however a few steps could make a world of difference.

Keeping three-to-six feet between yourself and those who surround you creates a safer environment and provides less of a risk when it comes to contracting a sickness.

Create barriers between yourself and your environment

A little space between your facial orifices and the outside air could be an extremely beneficial preventative measure for you and those around you.

According to the Red Cross, wear a facemask if you are sick and when you are around other people, such as sharing a room or vehicle, and before entering a healthcare provider’s office.

It is important to not touch your eyes, mouth or nose when out in public. Gloves are also recommended so that your fingertips don’t come into direct contact with any contaminated surfaces.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness spread between people in close contact with each other or through respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing. To protect yourself and those around you, cover coughs and sneezes and avoid contact with the eyes, nose and mouth. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.)

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