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The Wright State Guardian
Thursday, March 13, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Weekly Horoscopes

The future ahead is bright for you dear star children. Read more here to find out the first thing you will do after the quarantine is over. 


When the quarantine is over, you will feel motivated to accomplish all of those goals that you have been dreaming about. Don’t be afraid to get a head start on plans for when you are ready to get stuff done.


When the quarantine is over, you will be eager to help those who have fallen behind and need help getting back on their feet. Begin to prepare yourself by opening up your heart and mind to others. 


When the quarantine is over, you are going to take the phrase “YOLO” to a new level. Be prepared to feel as if you must make up for lost time and missed opportunities.


When the quarantine is over, you are going to cling to your friends and never let go. Warn your BFFs that they may have to drag you out of their houses soon. 


When the quarantine is over, you will be hit with creative inspiration like never before. The world is your oyster. Careful not to get too carried away. 


When the quarantine is over, nothing will change. The alone time has made you realize how much you love being a hermit. 


When the quarantine is over, your number one priority will be to support the small businesses in your community. Make a shopping list and prepare yourself to spend some money. 


When the quarantine is over, you may be a bit too eager about getting the gang back together. Take a step back and be cautious about large gatherings. 


When the quarantine is over, you are finally going to leave your house. CONGRATS. Don’t be too reckless. 


When the quarantine is over, you are going to be overly cautious and possibly a slight bit paranoid. Take a breath of fresh air and try not to die. 


When the quarantine is over, you will be elated that you can finally go back to work. Don’t over work yourself making up for lost wages. Try not to be disappointed when you realize you were making more money by filing for unemployment. 


When the quarantine is over, you will enjoy the new found freedom of finally getting away from your family. Don’t be so quick to forget the fun times you shared with them during the pandemic. 

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