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The Wright State Guardian
Monday, Feb. 24, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Student Accommodations During a Pandemic

Student Union | Photo by Michael Krieger | The Wright State Guardian

Wright State University (WSU) has previously been ranked as one of the top three schools in the nation for accommodating students with disabilities, according to College Magazine.

Due to coronavirus concerns and social distancing regulations, most courses this fall are being offered online, with some courses offered as an in-person/online hybrid. The WSU Office of Disabilities (ODS) has had to adjust practices accordingly to best accommodate students in need. 

Office of Disabilities 

WSU’s Office of Disabilities provides testing and classroom accommodations for a wide range of students, both on and off campus. Students who receive assistance through ODS have varying mental and physical disabilities, such as learning disabilities, health impairments and mobility impairments. 

“87% of students who receive assistance through ODS have invisible disabilities. An invisible disability is a disability that is not as readily apparent,” said Angela Masten, data manager and case manager.  “...a student with anxiety or ADHD would be considered to have an invisible disability”. 

WSU offers assistance to a wide range of students, making it a challenge to provide for individual student needs while utilizing the virtual learning format. The accommodation most difficult to provide this semester is an alternative testing space for those who normally take exams in the ODS office rather than the classroom.  

“Although students on campus can use the library and other sign-up reservation rooms to work and take exams, they should be cautious of the time limits on those rooms and how that could impact the amount of time a student has to take their test,” said ODS Director Tom Webb  

Accomodations and Office Operations 

The Office of Disabilities is operating fully remote for the fall semester. Students may make appointments with their case manager to meet via phone call or WebEx. Additionally, ODS is  offering virtual walk-ins over WebEx from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. every Monday through Friday.   

Students can use the program called Accessible Information Management (AIM) to request their accommodations be applied, and a designated case manager will then contact the appropriate professor(s) to bring awareness to the accommodation plan. The login for AIM is located on the ODS website.  

Accommodation plans can include adjustments such as the time and/or location a student performs their exams.  

“Students taking exams on Pilot will have their time adjusted by their professor,” said Masten, “but in person or high flex courses will need to be worked out between the student, the professor and Sheri Penwell, ODS test proctoring coordinator.” 

Deaf or hearing impaired students are able to request for closed captions to be created for pre- recorded lectures and videos, preferably 48 hours in advance. C-Print, live captioning, or an ASL interpreter can additionally be requested for live calls and meetings as well.  

Adjustments vary on a per student basis, and individual plans can also be carried out differently between all course offerings whether online, in person, or both.  

Additional info

In addition to ODS running remotely this fall, the Counseling and Wellness Center as well as the Student Academic Success Center are both running remote as well.  

To schedule an appointment with the Counseling and Wellness Center, students can call 937.775.3407 and leave a voicemail with their name, phone number, and UID.  

“Students will receive a call back to gather more information and schedule an appointment with a staff member from the Counseling and Wellness Center as soon as possible,” said Masten.  

For more information on the Student Success Center, visit  

For more information on the WSU Office of Disabilities, visit

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