Through the difficulties of quarantine, many organizations on campus are still finding ways to gather as a community. One of these organizations is Christians on Campus, a faith group of all denominations, who meet on Zoom twice a week.
Who is Christians on Campus for?
“Christians on campus is for… well… everyone,” Charis Cain, a staff member of Christians on Campus, said. “Even those who maybe have not received the Lord fully, or have questions, we encourage them to come. We can’t promise answers, but we can promise a welcoming community of students who want to go forward together.”
Charis and her husband, Danny, decided to become a part of Christians on Campus at Wright State University due to their previous experience with the organization.
“I felt the Lord’s call here,” Danny commented. “College is a very crucial time where your faith can either grow or be torn apart. Because of how important that time was for me, as an alumnus of Wright State, I wanted to be able to come back and help students who are going through the same thing.”
“Christians on Campus cared for me a lot in college, and after I graduated from bible school, I felt a lead from the Lord to serve him with my full time,” Charis stated. “Being available for the students at any time has given me the chance to do just that.”
The non-faith benefits of online meetings
Christians On Campus’s meetings have given those involved a sense of community in a semester full of challenges.
“Just seeing the students, with everything going on in the pandemic, being in God’s word together as a community, has been so encouraging.” Danny commented.
“I need to see people,” Charis said. “Getting to interact with others, as friends, it feels right. We depend on those times, and I can see in the students opening up that they depend on these times as well.”
While Meeting online does have its difficulties, there are also benefits to online meetings.
“Meeting over Zoom allows anyone to connect wherever they are,” Danny said. “We’re no longer limited by space, and students who live in another state can still connect with us and gather in fellowship.”
Of course, there are things that can’t be replicated through a screen.
“On Zoom, it's built so that only one person will be seen talking at a time.” Danny said. “We are still missing that intimate small-group feel of multiple discussions.”
The faith-based benefits
From a Christian faith standpoint, meetings during the pandemic helps members to realize that they are not alone.
“Being able to be in God’s word together, during this difficult time, is so great,” Charis said. “Like Danny said, with college being so difficult on your faith, still being able to connect with students who might need guidance is a good thing.”
“Our members are desiring a community,” Danny said. “Through Zoom, we can still give our members that feeling of community, while growing in the Lord.”
Even for those who are not completely religious, or have questions, Christians On Campus is open to you.
“Those that are desiring a community and to pursue Christ, are always welcome,” Danny said. “Even if you have questions, please feel comfortable to meet with us at any time.”
Contact information and meeting times
For now, Christians On Campus meets every Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. You can find the information for their Zoom meetings on the Campus life calendar:
If you’re looking to get involved with Christians On Campus, you can reach out to them here: