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The Wright State Guardian
Monday, Feb. 3, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Breaking: Spring Semester to Stay The Same, Spring Break Still Possible

Wright State Campus during fall | Photo by Soham Parikh | The Wright State Guardian

In an email from Interim Provost Douglas Leaman Friday morning, students, faculty and staff were told to expect a spring break and a similar spring semester.  

No plans to alter spring break

Wright State University (WSU) has no plans at this time to alter its spring break schedule. As such, spring break will begin on Monday, March 1, with classes resuming Monday, March 8. If conditions change in the spring, it may require the university to reconsider this position. 

Coronavirus testing will be administered over the remainder of the fall semester to a targeted group of students and employees. The information from fall semester coronavirus testing will determine what course of action the university takes in the spring.   

“At this time the university is still on a course to finish out the fall semester as announced previously,” said Leaman. 

At the beginning of Thanksgiving break on Nov. 25, all classes will move fully online for the rest of fall semester. Final exams will be taken remotely starting the week of Dec. 7. Virtual commencement will take place Dec. 12. Spring semester will begin on Jan. 11, 2021. 

No changes to remote delivery

“Our mix of in-person and remote classes is expected to mirror fall with about 35 percent of instruction delivered in-person or with in-person components and about 65 percent of classes delivered remotely,” said Leaman.  

All residential housing communities will again be open for spring semester — with occupancies similar to fall — for students who want to live in one of WSU’s residence halls or on-campus apartments, including on the Lake Campus. 

“Our Residence Life and Housing employees have done an excellent job of executing our health and safety initiative so far this year. Those plans will continue to be administered and communicated with residential students, along with any new public health and state mandates that may come in the new year. Housing employees have worked with Student Health Services, Wright State Physicians, and local health departments to monitor students’ health and plans in place if self-isolation and quarantine areas are needed,” said Leaman.  

If any severe weather causes campus to close, Leaman says only in person events will be cancelled, and remote employment and classes are still expected to continue.  

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