SGA Meeting | Photo by Christian Peters | The Wright State Guardian
Student Government Association (SGA) discussed changes to the Commuter Lounge, the upcoming student athletic survey and upcoming events at the meeting held on Tuesday, Oct. 12.
Student athletic survey
SGA President Jonathan Ciero, voiced his overwhelming support for the student athletic survey being held next week. The survey’s focus is around student participation and involvement in athletic programs before, during and after the COVID-19 lockdown events.
“We want to help them [WSU] reach their goal of 10-20% student participation,” Ciero said. “There is going to be a raffle with five $100 gift cards for students who participate in the survey.”
Scheduled to start on Monday, Oct. 18, Ciero believes that this survey will provide valuable information to the school.
“The survey will show the university where to steer its programs in terms of student participation,” Ciero said.
Commuter lounge renovations
The Commuter Senator, Alaina Collins, announced plans for commuter lounge updates after feedback from the Commuter Student Association (CSA).
“We would like to update the lounge to be more comfortable and user-friendly for commuters to use,” Collins said. “Currently, things like the chairs are not very comfortable to use and we would like a sink added to our kitchen area.”
Collins and the CSA are proposing the following renovations: more usable seating, whiteboards, a privacy partition, kitchen area updates and a vending machine located closer to the lounge.
Upcoming events
The Director of Inclusive Excellence and Accessibility, Kayla Roberts, highlighted several upcoming events for students to get involved in:
- Oct. 14 - Latino Heritage Day in the Student Union
- Oct. 28 - Nov. 3 Day of the Dead Altar Display in the Student Union
- Nov 2, Movie night feat. Pixar’s Coco in the Student Union
SGA meetings are open to all students both physically and virtually. The next public meeting is scheduled for the Atlantis A/B Room at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 19.