Holiday Gifts | Ylanite Koppens
Time and time again it is said that children are much easier to shop for, but what about the important adults in our lives? Here are some gift ideas for those people you may be struggling to find something for.
Movies and books from childhood
Nothing says the holidays quite like nostalgia. Older movies and books may give the recipients a well–deserved trip down memory lane and prompt a good conversation for your holiday dinner. Check to see if their favorites are still in stock.
Company and phone calls
The company you can provide during the holidays may be one of the best gifts students can give. Some students may not be able to see their loved ones in person due to the ongoing pandemic, but a phone or video call can be just as important. Give a well-deserved break after finals to talk to important people.
Photo gifts
Personalized photo books and items can give a gift a special touch. If a student is graduating this fall, they may want to include some graduation photos. Other items can be personalized mugs and calendars.
Greeting cards
Greeting cards can provide an avenue for those who prefer written communication or want to give a traditional thank you. Giving blank cards with postage can help with eliminating an unnecessary trip. Holidays however may cause a shortage of such cards.
Small snacks
A holiday-themed basket of snacks would make a good clutter-free gift. Many stores have holiday snacks or there are plenty of options online to make your own. Keep in mind, however, that certain individuals may have dietary restrictions/need for soft food so caution is needed for this gift.
Gift cards
This is one that is very hard to go wrong with. Gift cards to their favorite restaurants or spa destinations will make sure they enjoy the experience. This gift is also one you may need to consider physical limitations before purchasing.
As a final note, physical gifts may be great but older adults may find it difficult to ask for help for things they really need to get done. Consider asking about putting up or taking down lights, household repairs, and other small things they may need help with this holiday season.