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The Wright State Guardian
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Faculty Senate: Enrollment and Wright Path Program

Campus scene | Photo by Christian Peters | The Wright State Guardian

Wright State University (WSU) Faculty Senate met on Feb. 14 and discussed the Wright Path program and enrollment. 


With the spring census date, the day when a final enrollment headcount is taken, and the semester approaching its sixth week, the senate discussed current enrollment data. 

The university has also seen an increase in College Credit Plus (CCP) students along with an increase in international enrollment, according to President Sue Edwards. 

WSU is focusing on keeping CCP engaged on campus in hopes that they will continue to attend WSU after high school, which would drive undergraduate enrollment. 

“By doing [classes] on our campuses, they get familiar with our professors and build relationships with their professors,” Edwards said. “The better their experience that they have with Wright State, the more likelihood they’re to stay.”

International enrollment at WSU this academic year has sharply increased by 102% according to Edwards.

Wright Path program

Edwards announced that WSU would be holding the first Wright State Day at Sinclair which is a small open house held on Sinclair campus in April.

Edwards also stated that the university is also working with Clark State to discuss a similar event. 

WSU is working with these community colleges to create a better Wright Path marketing plan. 

COVID update

During her report, Edwards also mentioned that the Department of Environmental Health and Safety was reporting zero cases for the past week as of Feb.14. However, WSU’s COVID dashboard reported a total of 131 active cases as of  Feb. 16.

Edwards also explained that few students and employees have uploaded their vaccination cards to MedProctor. 

Faculty Senate will resume in-person meetings in March due to declining COVID cases according to Faculty Senate President Brian Boyd.

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