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The Wright State Guardian
Sunday, March 9, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


University Warns of Possible Parking Citations Beginning March 1

Parking | Photo by Soham Parikh | The Wright State Guardian

In a campus wide email sent on Feb. 22, the Department of Public Safety encouraged all students, faculty and staff regularly on campus to purchase a parking pass, which is now contact-less.

According to the email, beginning March 1, those who do not have a Dayton Campus Permit with the correct vehicle registered may receive a parking citation.

"Your vehicle license plate serves as your parking permit," according to the email.

Students, faculty and staff can register up to three license plates on a singular permit. Parking services uses license plate recognition software to confirm a vehicle's registration.

The new policy

In a campus-wide communication, WSU announced the switch from physical parking passes to a new contact-less system. 

Registered license plates will now serve as faculty, staff and student parking passes. 

The communication also announced that parking services are now a part of the Department of Public Safety. 

According to Lt. Kurt Holden, Director of Public Safety, the change came as a result of the realignment and restructure of university departments and services. 

Parking services, now run by the Department of Public Safety on the Dayton campus, will begin implementing the policy in Spring 2022.

Parking pass details

According to the communication, the cost for student parking permits is $75. This is greater than the current fall semester rate of $48 but less than previous non-covid years.  

Residential students will need to purchase passes for their corresponding living communities. Those who live off-campus and commute must purchase a commuter pass. 

Commuters may now park in both the white student and yellow staff and faculty lines in any lot on campus. This does not include ‘A’ spots, residential parking spaces, accessible spaces or Nutter center parking, according to the email. 

Staff and faculty may purchase an annual pass for $225, an annual reserved pass for $475 or a $100 spring semester-only pass.

Spring passes are valid from Jan. 1, 2021, until May 3, 2021. The new passes also allow the campus community to add up to three license plates to their passes.


According to Holden, the parking pass switch came as a result of COVID-19 concerns. 

“Due to COVID-19 and streamlining parking services for students, staff, and faculty we felt that having a contactless service was best and will better serve the community,” Holden wrote.

The new parking pass policies will be enforced via License Plate Recognition technology as well as public safety employees regularly monitoring parking lots according to Holden. 

Implementation of new policies will begin Spring 2022.

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