Faculty Senate votes no confidence in Board of Trustees / WSU Archives photo
Wright State University Faculty Senate discuss education legislation, while faculty members speak out on concerns over the effects of retrenchment and separation initiatives.
Initiative to combat Ohio legislation
The WSU Faculty Senate suspended the rules via majority vote to vote and pass a resolution supporting the Faculty Congress of Ohio initiative denouncing Ohio House Bill 327.
HB 327, introduced by representatives Diane Grendell (R) and Sarah Arthur (R) , would prevent Ohio schools and universities from teaching ‘divisive concepts’, including topics regarding race and racism.
After there was a vote to suspend the rules and treat the initiative denouncing HB 327, like new business, the resolution was passed unanimously.
The bill is currently still in the House committee.
Faculty concerns
Faculty at the meeting also expressed concern regarding staff and faculty recruitment and retention.
“What is being done regarding faculty and staff morale? All of us faculty and staff are taking on more responsibility due to the number of positions that have left the university. They are not being replaced,” Sen.Mindy McNutt said.
Sen. McNutt went on to explain how faculty are beginning to feel the effects of retirement, voluntary faculty separation agreements and retrenchments. Faculty affected by these ‘Wright Sizing’ initiatives began to leave the university this academic year.
Over 100 faculty members faced retrenchment last spring and colleges like the College of Liberal Arts lost 50% of their faculty and staff.
President Sue Edwards did not attend the meeting. Interim Provost Oliver Evans attended in her place and responded by explaining how faculty with concerns could follow up with the president's office.
Faculty Senate changes
In addition to discussing academic policy, the Senate also discussed the election of new faculty members to the body and its constitutional changes.
Ten new members were added to the body this spring election season. The Senate also met in March 2022 to discuss its constitution.
Changes include adding a committee that specializes in diversity and inclusion initiatives, changing constituency guidelines due to reorganizations and changing rules of confidence/no-confidence votes.
These changes are up for approval by the full faculty. Voting takes place between April 12 and 14. At least 100 votes from university faculty are needed to ratify the changes.