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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Social Work Club: Involvement in the Community

Millett Hall | Photo by Cheyenne Waddell | Edited by Jessica Fugett | The Wright State Guardian

Wright State University’s volunteer organization promotes human rights and the importance of community through action and advocacy. 

About the club 

The International Federation of Social Workers provides a global definition of social work.

“Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and liberation of people,” according to IFSW

Social Work Club is an organization that focuses on advocating and participating in community events and creating service projects to aid the Dayton area, according to senior club historian Aubree Kurtz. 

“The heart of our organization is advocacy, and just kind of being that helping person in the community,” senior member administrator Haley Felts said. 

According to Kurtz, the club has been under the radar for the past couple of years, so this semester, members are working to get the club up and running again to make a difference both for WSU and the community. 

“Our group is very fun and outgoing. We try to maintain positive vibes and work really well as a team. We hold each other accountable and look out for one another, both for club and in classrooms,” Kurtz said. 

According to Kurtz, the club is also great for connecting and networking.

Impact on the community

So far this semester, SWC has already started making its mark on the community. The club completed a Trunk-or-Treat event for Ohio Mentor and will be doing another event for Choices next weekend.

“This week we are also going to Fairmont to help with Shoes for the Shoeless. Here soon we are going to make plans to help with hurricane relief, but we aren’t sure what we are doing yet,” Kurtz said.

Felts described the meaning of community involvement. 

“As a whole, we just really want to be that helping person in our community. We want to have events that can bring us together and connect us with different parts of our community,” Felts said. 

How to get involved

The club meets every other Tuesday from 2:15 p.m. to 3 p.m., according to Felts. Kurtz explained that meeting locations vary but are updated on the Engage page.  The club also records each meeting through Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person.

For students who are interested in joining the club, the group has made the process straightforward. 

“We want students to have their hazing training completed, and then pay your $10 club fees, and then if you email me or our president Taylea, we’ll add you to our Engage page,” Felts said. 

According to Kurtz, students who do not wish to join can still support the organization by contributing donations for the club's events. 

“There are very minimal requirements as well. You only need to come to two meetings and one event per semester. If you do these things, you will be able to add this club to your resume,” Kurtz said.

From there, students can choose preferred events.

“Anyone is invited, anyone with the heart to go out in the community and do volunteer work is more than welcome to join us,” Felts said. 

To complete hazing training, students can visit the Wright State Hazing information page. Students can also visit the club’s Engage page for more information. 

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