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The Wright State Guardian
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Dayton’s Not Dead: Billie Gold Bubble Tea’s New Storefront

Billie Gold Bubble Tea | Photo by Hannah Carson | The Wright State Guardian

Many large companies have tried to hop on the bubble tea trend, including McDonald's and Dunkin'; however, in the Dayton area, it is small business boba shops, like Billie Gold Bubble Tea, that run the industry.


Bubble tea has become a revolution all across the nation. Originating in Taiwan in the 1980s, it has become a hit in America in recent decades, according to Lifestyle Asia. 

Billie Gold Bubble Tea is a boba truck opened in October 2018 by Nicole Cornett. The mobile food truck travels all over southwest Ohio spreading the joy and love of bubble tea. 

However, more recently, Cornett purchased a storefront in Belmont to open up a bubble tea store. 

Cornett sourced a personal inspiration to open up a bubble tea truck due to a personal vacation, inspiring a pursuit of dreams. Cornett explained that the same thing happened with the storefront: that through a series of manifestations, the right place opened up at the right time. 

“The hardest part [of opening a storefront] is making it yours,” Cornett said.

Cornett had a personal attribute along with friends, family and the customers that have made this storefront possible. The owner thanked the customers for making everyday a fun day and described those customers.

“[The customers are the] most supportive, excited and fun people I’ve ever met,” Cornett said. 

Billie Gold also boasts a personable nature, exotic flavors and fun drink types. 

The culture and experience

One of Cornett’s employees and lifelong friends, Danielle Harlow, said that the best part of the job is that it is unlike anything else.

Harlow notes that the community surrounding this truck is one of the kindest the employee has ever met. There is a palpable feel to the magical kindness and glow surrounding this community. 

Customers note this as well, saying that a favorite part about visiting Billie Gold is how refreshing it is—and not just the drinks. 

“Everyone is just so kind. Nicole knows your name and order before you even get to the window. She’s always smiling, everyone here is always smiling,” Cheryl Henderson, a Billie Gold customer who even had Billie Gold cups and straws, said.

Henderson already has plans to go to the storefront every Tuesday. 

Cornett’s vision for the storefront is “experiential.” 

Cornett stated a desire for everything to be second-hand, magical and almost like a wonderland, wanting each visit to be ever-changing and an adventure, with a thrift store/coffee shop-like feel. 

Cornett said that there is no way to compare opening a boba truck compared to opening a storefront. 

Cornett described feeling more nerves this time around but also feels thankful to have a community. The owner’s advice for anyone in a similar position is to simply put one foot in front of the other. Cornett conceded that it is hard and scary but well worth it. 

Cornett is unsure about an opening date but looks forward to the storefront opening to have fun and interact with customers. 

Overall, this community of boba lovers love tea and love each other. The Billie Gold Bubble Tea community of individuals care for one another and are excited to interact at the new storefront in Belmont. 

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