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Wright State Guardian


SGA Debate: Meet The Candidates

SGA | Photo by Monica Brutto | The Wright State Guardian

Wright State University student governing body is in the midst of election season. Candidates came together on Wednesday night to display their platform and answer questions from the student body.

Presidential candidate

The meet the candidates event, hosted by Student Government Association’s special elections committee, WWSU 106.9 and The Wright State Guardian, kicked off on March 22.

Stephanie Buettner is a sophomore majoring in political science and minoring in legal studies and women, gender and sexuality studies. Buettner is running for the president position at SGA. 

According to Buettner, the main goals after obtaining presidency include increasing student involvement and improving diversity, equity and inclusion on campus. 

“I am hoping to increase [diversity, equity and inclusion] on campus by increasing representation of the various communities across various offices, committees and organizations throughout campus,” Buettner said. 

Buettner plans to improve the mental health resources on campus as well as make these resources more accessible. Additionally, Buettner plans to alter the structure of SGA by adding a new position to the organization.

“I would also be interested in making a position on SGA that would represent the large international student population that we have at Wright State,” Buettner voiced.

The presidential candidate explained a preparedness to advocate for the student body. 

“I will actually be a voice for them, I will be willing to push back on the administration,” Buettner said.

Vice presidential candidate

Aliesha Knauer is a graduate student studying clinical psychology and is running for the vice president position at SGA.

Knauer also has a range of goals to complete after the hopes of obtaining the vice president position. Knauer voiced a major goal to reform policies and preparation. 

“We hope to reform policies and training so there’ll be better flow between communication and everyone filling their duties at SGA,” Knauer said. 

Knauer wants not only for SGA to increase involvement for the WSU student community but also for the organization to help student needs that are not currently met. 

“For example, I am determined to create resources for low income students on campus as one of my first objectives that I am currently working on,” Knauer said. 

Senatorial candidates

Cade Mason is a first year student majoring in electrical engineering running for the senator of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. 

“In SGA, I hope to better communicate between faculty and organizations to the students, as I believe there are many services, such as the CORQ app, that students don’t know about,” Mason said.

Mason believes in this communication to improve student involvement. Furthermore, Mason pushes for change in the academic advising department due to a high number of complaints.

“I often hear complaints about the advising system and hope to find a way to fix it,” Mason voiced.

Selvin Bacon-Velasquez is a senior student majoring in fine arts, concentrating in photography as well as pursuing two certificates in graphic arts and management. 

Bacon-Velasquez is running for the commuter senator position in SGA and plans to work on communication between commuter students and SGA. 

“I would do so by being heavily involved with [the Commuter Student Association] and advocating feedback and concerns of commuters to SGA,” Bacon-Velasquez said. 

Bacon-Velasquez also hopes to add more commuter student representatives to organizations to allow expression of concerns towards the administration. 

“As a commuter student myself, there are many challenges that we face due to commuting,” Bacon-Velasquez explained.

Hailey Rainier is a graduate student in clinical psychology running for senator of the College of Health, Education and Human Services.

Rainier expressed the goal of reinvigorating the role of senator of CHEH, as it has been vacant for at least a year, in the words of Rainier.

“I plan to touch base with students, boost communication, increase engagement through new events and ensure mental health resources to all students,” Rainier said.

Vivianne Mellon is majoring in political science, minoring in legal studies and running for senator of the College of Liberal Arts.

“What I want to do with my senator position is increase student involvement and getting closer with administration, but also checking where they need to be checked,” Mellon said.

Mellon further wants SGA to fill all positions and hear all voices on campus. 

“Students should vote for me because of my impressive resume. I am a student leader on campus, and I give tours of campus, so I know a lot about campus,” Mellon exclaimed. 

Students can vote for candidates on WINGS from March 27 at 8 a.m. until March 31 at 5 p.m.

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