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The Wright State Guardian
Monday, March 10, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

Horoscopes: Which Minecraft mob are you?

Horoscope | Graphic by Rose Taylor| The Wright State Guardian

Minecraft is a video game that has been around for over a decade, and is one of the most beloved games in the entire world. Based on your zodiac sign, which Minecraft mob– both traditional and recent– are you? 


This fiery zodiac sign deserves one of the mobs that spends the most time around lava: a strider!

Striders came out during Minecraft’s biggest Nether update and work as a mount for players while in this dangerous environment. Just like an Aries, they thrive under pressure and in hot weather, but may struggle when taken out of this comfort zone.


This relaxed sign deserves a mob that practically lives a life of luxury: the mooshroom!

Mooshrooms are one of the rarer mobs, as they can only be found on a biome called the Mushroom Fields, which has an incredibly rare and specific chance of spawning. 

However, these biomes are incredibly useful, as hostile mobs cannot spawn on the island, even at night. This means that mooshrooms– the main inhabitants of these biomes– get to completely relax in the comfort of their home!


This imposing sign that is so busy it may need teleportation to solve its problems deserves the mob with just that quirk: an enderman!

Endermen are one of the few mobs that can be found in all three Minecraft dimensions– the overworld, Nether and End– as they have a special teleportation ability. If a Gemini had this ability, it would make their life a lot easier!


With their hard emotional exterior, this sign deserves a mob with an equally untouchable shell: the armadillo!

Armadillos are a recent addition to minecraft, but just about anyone that stumbles upon them instantly falls in love due to their adorable appearance. Similar to a Cancer, no matter how much a shell they put on, people love them anyways!


These sly signs deserve a mob that is as adventurous and wild as they are: a fox!

Foxes can primarily be found in Spruce biomes, a forest biome that is popular among the Minecraft community for its appearance. Leo’s also tend to be popular people– but they can also be crafty, just like the fox.


This busy and productive sign deserves a mob associated with being busy: a bee!

To help raise awareness of the declining bee population in many parts of the world, Minecraft introduced bees into the game. 

These adorable creatures spend their days buzzing around and collecting pollen to bring back to their nests, just like bees in real life. Like a Virgo, they work around the clock to ensure that everything is of the highest standard.


This sign loves relying on and providing for their friends, and they deserve a mob that loves to serve: an allay!

Unfortunately for this sign, allays go widely unrecognized by the Minecraft community. They are small flying mobs that can be found in certain enemy structures, and you must give them a task once you have freed them, meaning many players let this mob go without even realizing. 

Despite this, they are incredibly useful and cute little companions to have during your journey.


This sign tries to appear scary to those they do not know, meaning they deserve perhaps the scariest mob in the entire game: a warden!

Wardens are the keepers of an underground domain called the Deep Dark, and are perhaps the toughest enemy in the entire game, giving them the status of a mini-boss if you make the foolish decision to fight them. However, if you remain quiet and respectful, wardens will not bother you. Remind you of a certain sign?


Controversy may follow this sign around, meaning they deserve one of the most controversial mobs in the game: the glow squid!

In the midst of the pandemic, Minecraft released a mob vote, which included the glow squid. A popular Minecraft youtuber at the time convinced his fans to mass vote for the mob, which led to an uproar in the Minecraft community. 

Despite this, the squid remains a cute, simple creature that players can encounter in deep waters.


This iconic sign deserves an equally iconic mob: the creeper!

For those who do not know, the creeper was introduced to the game when the original developer tried to create a pig. This iconic mob, with its bright green color and tendency to explode, has remained in the game ever since. 

While Capricorns may not physically explode, they may have bouts of high emotions, similar to a “burst” of emotion.


These curious introverts deserve a mob that matches their sign: a shulker!

Shulkers are found only in the End. Unlike armadillos, which also feature an outer shell, shulkers are avoidant of players and will teleport away if a player is too close or tries to attack. They also have a projectile that will make a player float in the air– they will literally sweep you off your feet! 

Maybe an Aquarius has done this in your life?


This simple, life-loving sign deserves an equally simple and cute mob: a bat!

Bats unfortunately add nothing to the game beyond their cute appearance and squeaks. While a Pisces is much more productive in society, the cuteness and relaxed attitude that bats have is very similar to a Pisces.

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