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Thursday, March 13, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

Horoscopes: Which Disney Princess Are You?

Weekly Horoscope | Graphic by Bethany Althauser | The Wright State Guardian

One of the most popular groups of protagonists from any media is the official list of Disney Princesses. While there are 13 official princesses, this list will focus only on the 12 oldest– sorry, Raya. Based on your zodiac sign, which Disney Princess are you?


Starting off with a simple yet beloved princess, Aries’ most relatable Disney Princess is Ariel from “The Little Mermaid.” While this may sound odd at first– after all, Aries is a fire sign, and Ariel is a princess from the sea– the personality of any Aries closely aligns with Ariel’s.

Adventurous, headstrong and willing to find a solution to any problem (no matter how dangerous) is typical of an Aries– and an obvious list of traits of Ariel!


Next up, Taurus is most like Snow White. This comparison can be made for a lot of reasons; this can range from her conflict, place in her story and her looks. Snow White finds herself as the protagonist of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” in which she is harassed by the queen of the land due to her incomparable beauty.

Similar to a Taurus, Snow White is beautiful and elegant, all while maintaining an aloof personality that only works to swoon all those around them.


One of the final 2D-animated films from Disney includes Gemini's most relatable Disney Princess as its protagonist– Tiana, from “The Princess and the Frog.” Tiana is a hardworking woman who soon finds herself turned into a frog throughout the course of the film.

Just like the ambitious, busy Gemini’s who tend to have big dreams, Tiana is an excellently-written character who deserves to be compared to Geminis!


Unfortunately, this film is one of the lesser-known Disney films, but the story it tells is excellent and fits the conflicts many Cancers may unfortunately encounter throughout their life. “Brave” focuses on the Disney princess Merida as she makes a mistake due to her family’s pride that may tear the family apart forever.

Cancers are iconic for how much they value close relationships with friends and family. While Merida’s tale ultimately starts with family conflict, she puts aside her pride– a common vice for Cancers– and manages to reunite her family. 


Leo’s are known as the star of the stage, meaning they deserve a particularly popular Disney Princess. As the woman who went from rags to riches and found true love throughout her movie, Cinderella is the perfect fit.

Plus, there are many Leo’s out there who are more humble than most, meaning they can relate even more to Cinderella.


Virgo’s are bookworms and perhaps the smartest zodiac sign, meaning they obviously relate to the intelligent Belle from “Beauty and the Beast.” 

Virgo’s also care about the family around them, meaning they would probably give up their normal life just like Belle did.


Libra’s are bright, people-loving individuals who always have a smile on their face, similar to Rapunzel when she finally gets freed from her permanent tower home. 

On top of this. the princess becomes incredibly attached to Eugene once they meet— something any Libra can relate to.


Scorpio’s are clever people who may unfortunately have to deal with family problems throughout their life. Similar to Jasmine from “Aladdin,” Scorpio’s lives are often fraught with conflict.

However, there is always something positive to focus on. Just like Jasmine found happiness, every Scorpio will, too!


Sagittarius’s are perhaps the most adventurous zodiac sign, meaning it only makes sense that they are similar to Pocahontas, the female protagonist for Disney’s movie of the same name.

On top of this, Pocahontas and Sagittarius’s are also ambitious and brave— she’s certainly a Disney Princess you would want to relate to!


Capricorn’s are hard-headed; that is, they are stubborn and resilient, but they are also quite clever. Similar to Moana, who has to solve a variety of problems as she searches to find out her own identity.

Though the hard-headed personality may reveal itself first, you can also find a kind-hearted person underneath the tough exterior.


Just about every Aquarius wants to be an agent of change— and Mulan is an excellent character to represent change. She takes on a disguise and joins a war to prevent her elderly dad from being drafted.

Both Mulan and any Aquarius are also a force to be reckoned with, so tread carefully!


As the resident daydreamer, it only makes sense to assign Pisces Aurora, from “Sleeping Beauty.” While she is also beautiful like the title implies, Aurora is a soft, kind character who wonderfully represents what it means to be a princess.

Since Pisces tend to enjoy all the sleep they get, maybe some dream of being in a “Sleeping Beauty” scenario!

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