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Thursday, March 6, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Horoscopes: What Electives Should You Take?

With the second quarter of this semester coming up, as well as Fall 2025 courses becoming available soon, students may be wondering what electives they should try taking. Based on your zodiac sign, what electives should you take?


An Aries should take an elective in sports or physical education.

This energetic sign would benefit from some sort of physical activity in their life, and while this can be achieved in their free time with free lessons or by visiting local parks, there are a variety of PE courses offered by Wright State University that are greatly beneficial, such as self defense.


A Taurus should take an elective in art.

As an appreciator of the arts, having the ability to create work of your own and put it on display is one of the most satisfying parts of taking an art class. The only downside is you may get a bit messy, especially if you take the popular ceramics course designed for non-art majors.


A Gemini should take an elective in sociology or psychology.

This sign is well known for their duality, but while some Gemini’s may avoid this character trait, others may be interested in learning about the duality of all of humanity. Whether it be how the brain works, or how societies interact with one another, learning about the differences throughout the human race is bound to be interesting.


A Cancer should take an elective in English.

Cancer’s are known for being very in tune for their emotions (and having a lot of emotions in general). One excellent way to explore and express your emotions is through writing; the English program offers multiple introduction courses to writing, such as fiction and poetry writing!


A Leo should take an elective in finance.

Leo’s often focus on different topics, such as making bonds with friends or getting involved in other social ways. As a college student, however, it is always important to broaden your horizons– and finance or business is an excellent way to do so! Plus, a Leo would thrive in the business world, with their extroverted personalities.


A Virgo should take an elective in science.

Science can include almost any type of science you can think of, like biology, earth sciences, physics and more. These courses will introduce an extra challenge to a Virgo’s regular course schedule as they learn about a broad subject of topics in any course, which is the perfect challenge for them.


A Libra should take an elective in a language.

Libra’s are outgoing and passionate about working hard. Learning a new language is one of the more difficult aspects of college but, similar to a Virgo, any Libra would appreciate this extra challenge. Plus, learning a new language can allow for a wider range of places to visit, and many Libra’s like to travel!


A Scorpio should take an elective in music.

Music courses include music rhetoric and language, analyzing music and even learning a new instrument. Many students at WSU are unaware that the music department offers private lessons in a wide variety of instruments, ranging from cello and harp to flute and tuba lessons. Learning an instrument can be a very romantic endeavor, similar to learning one of the “romance languages!”


A Sagittarius should take an elective in anthropology.

As an explorer of the outdoors, a Sagittarius is bound to stumble upon trails that include historic or anthropologic sites and corresponding plaques. Getting involved in anthropology is an excellent way to learn more about the history of humanity and how we have evolved in our interactions over time and in specific areas, and it will also help create visits to new places even more interesting!


A Capricorn should take an elective in modern languages.

Modern languages are different from language courses in that, rather than teaching the language, they teach the history and culture of a different country. For example, a popular course, “Russian Culture,” tells the story of Russian history, conflict and modern and ancient culture, as well as how the world has viewed Russia for centuries.


An Aquarius should take an elective in political science.

As a passionate advocate, learning more about politics– whether it be national or international politics– is an excellent stepping stone to get involved. On top of this, an Aquarius would appreciate learning about the current political environment of every country in the world.


A Pisces should take an elective in classics or history.

While art may make more sense for this sign, a Pisces is ultimately a dreamer, and learning about the myths other cultures have created is an excellent basis for many daydreaming sessions. For example, learning about the myths of ancient Greece, as well as their culture and customs of the time, often provides a basis for creating stories. 

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