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Saturday, March 22, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian

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Horoscopes: Which Greek Mythological Figure Are You?

Greek mythology is a popular history of myths and beliefs from ancient Greece, and they have continued to receive attention, popularity and devotion due to its unique universe full of gods, beasts and more. Based on your zodiac sign, which Greek myth figure are you?


While Ares may seem like the easiest answer for this sign, we have chosen to instead shift towards a different fiery deity– Hephaestus. 

Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmiths known for his intricate blacksmithing talents, which allow him to make the armor and weapons of the gods. This ambitious deed is sure to please any Aries!


This relaxed sign most relates to the Hesperides, the three nymphs of evening and the golden light of sunsets.

This group of fair women represent both the darkness of evening and the cascading colors of a sunset– oftentimes being yellow, orange and red. The Hesperides spend their time tending to a garden on the oceanside; within this garden is a tree that grows golden apples, an item that mortals and gods alike yearn for.


This busy sign most relates to Hermes, the personal messenger of the gods and the god of travelers.

Hermes takes on many roles in Greek mythology, though he is more often known as the messenger of the gods (Zeus in particular). This leads him to have a very busy life, especially since he also works as a psychopomp, which is a figure that guides souls to the afterlife. Hermes’s life is full of duality in this manner, which a Gemini will understand. 


This family-oriented sign most relates to Demeter, the goddess of the harvest and fertility.

While this sign may also relate to Hera, the goddess of family and women, Demeter has a unique story that showcases the dedication of a mother’s love; as Persephone’s mother, Demeter is the one to strive to find her lost daughter once she is kidnapped by Hades, and she is the creator of our four seasons.

When her beloved daughter is gone, cold weather sweeps the lands, and it only begins to warm once again when Persephone is back home with her mother.


This boisterous, creative sign most relates to Apollo, a complex god that encompasses music, light, prophecies, disease and archery.

Often depicted with an instrument and a bow, Apollo is an energetic god who represents vast aspects of Greek society– while he is known today mostly for his music and light, he was practically infamous for his prophecies back in ancient Greece. In fact, the spotlight was on him at his own dedicated temple, the Temple of Apollo, in which many famous prophets resided.


This serious sign most relates to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and childbirth.

Twin sister to the bright Apollo, Artemis is a more behind-the-scenes goddess. She spends her time in the wilderness, hunting the wild animals with her group of followers called the Hunters of Artemis. This group dedicates their life to hunting with her and rejects romance.


This complex sign most relates to Hades, the god of the underworld and the afterlife.

Hades can be seen as the judge of the afterlife, as he is the main ruler of where the ancient Greeks believed the souls of the dead went– the underworld, or “the house of Hades,” as it is sometimes called. The underworld judges those who enter and then designates them to certain layers; these layers include Tartarus, Asphodel, Elysium and more.


This sensual sign most relates to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and romance. 

Aphrodite is a goddess most known for her connection to romance; she had countless lovers and spurred on the love lives of countless others. As a sign that enjoys the game of romance, Aphrodite is the perfect choice to relate to.


This explorative and fun sign most relates to Pan, the god of wilderness.

Pan is a trickster god often depicted as having goat features, including horns and the legs of a goat. He protects flocks and the wild, and uses his mastery over music (especially the pan flute) to entice passersby.


This interesting sign most relates to Nyx, the goddess and personification of night.

Nyx is a gorgeous woman and the mother to many, many other gods and goddesses in Greek myth. Some of these include Eris, the personification of strife; Thanatos, the personification of death; Moros, the personification of doom; and multiple others on this list! Her complex history and integral part of existence, by being night itself, is sure to pique the interest of any Capricorn.


This revolutionary sign most relates to Athena, the goddess of war strategy. 

Athena has a very unique story, seeing as she was born from the forehead of Zeus. She came out armed to fight– and she is often associated with strategic fights and warfare. She is a fighter both physically and with words, as she is also the goddess of wisdom. 


This tired and imaginative sign most relates to Hypnos, the god of sleep.

A son of Nyx, Hypnos is the personification of sleep and the twin brother to Thanatos, personification of death. While this duo is quite worrying, Hypnos himself is known for milder things, like putting mortals and gods to sleep temporarily. He is also the father to three figures who are closely associated with dreams, and for Pisces the dreamer, this is an excellent reason to relate to him!

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