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The Wright State Guardian
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Barriers to Commuter Involvement: Is WSU Worth the Gas?

Parking Lot | Photo by Monica Brutto | The Wright State Guardian

Wright State University commuter students and student leaders express concerns over commuter involvement on campus.

The Barriers

According to WSU housing administration, only 60% of the first year class and about 30% of upperclassmen live on campus, meaning Wright State has a large commuter population.

Commuter students have the same opportunity to join organizations and attend campus events, but many find there are barriers that prevent them from getting involved. 

One barrier has risen to prominence within the last year: gas prices. According to the American Automobile Association the average price for a gallon of regular gas is $3.66 as of Aug. 21.

Sophomore commuter Heidi Raber expaines how high gas prices and lack of interest in events are reasons to refrain from returning to campus.

Driving to school comes with other unique challenges such as bad weather conditions, traffic, and lack of time according to Commuter Association President Alaina Collins.

“If these students are forced to choose between going to an event on campus or going to work, there isn't much of a choice to be made,” Collins said.

Other students like CSA social media chair Maria Washler, express possible ways campus organizations and departments can engage the commuter population. 

“The best time for me to be involved as a commuter would be in the evenings or even in between classes when I have 2-3 hour break periods due to still being on campus,” Washler said.

Additionally, organizations like CSA and the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership can assist WSU commuter students

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