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The Wright State Guardian
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | News worth knowing
Wright State Guardian


Rise in Campus Crime Worries Parents, Police Department Aims to Soothe Fear

Rise in Crime on Campus | Photo by Bethany Althauser | The Wright State Guardian

Lately, there has been a rise in crime on campus here at Wright State University. Students get bulletins via email about crimes ranging from car break-ins to burglaries. This has left some relatives of WSU students worried, but the Wright State Police Department ensures that there is nothing to worry about. 


In recent months, there have been more reports of crimes like car break-ins and housing burglaries. Zachary Norman, head of operations at the Wright State Police Department, explains these crimes. 

“The car break-ins are happening on a specific model of car. These are Kias and Nissans,” Norman said. “These are easier to hot wire.” 

Norman explains that there is not as much information on the apartment break-ins but assures the community that housing is patrolled. 

Relatives and student concerns

Tammy Halloway-King is an aunt to a current Wright State Raider. Her niece is a College Park resident who stays in the same building as the break-ins. 

“I’m not usually worried about crime at Wright State, but combined with the Walmart shooting and all the problems in her apartment complex, I’m starting to get really worried,” Halloway-King explained. 

While Halloway-King’s niece has been attending WSU for a short period, she explains that they have lived close to the school for many years.

“I’ve never really heard much crime coming out of the Wright State area until now. I hope that whatever police department works with them is working on helping these kids,” Halloway-King said. 

Norman assures that WSUPD has certain procedures to combat worries of danger. He explains that the police department does several patrols a day. 

“We go around campus and housing,” Norman said.

He also explains that there are programs for students where they can call and get a police escort if they are feeling unsafe in any scenario. 

Students seem to be slightly concerned over the crime but have trust in the police department.

“I’m a commuter student, but I have noticed the increase of crime emails,” Jerryd Jones, a political science major, said. “I’m not entirely concerned. The police department seems to have a good handle on the situation. I feel safe on campus.”

Norman recommends that students contact WSUPD at (937)775-2111 with any concerns or police needs. 

“Don’t call 911. Depending on the cell tower, you could get Beavercreek or Fairborn,” Norman explained. “For a faster response, call the Wright State Police Department.”

Additionally, students can visit WSUPD at their locations in Allyn Hall. The Department of Public Safety is in 108 Allyn Hall, and the 24-hour Public Safety Service Center is in 060 Allyn Hall (right as you get off the elevators in the basement).

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